Trustees of the Turnpike Trusts in Oxfordshire

The following pages relating to Turnpike Trusts in Oxfordshire and the surrounding Thames Valley area are available:

·        A list of the Turnpike Acts from which names have been taken.

·        Individuals who were trustees of more than three trusts. In general these men were involved in trusts in the same locality. The trusts often covered adjacent sections of roads, for instance in the early 18th century Sir Jonathan Cope was trustee for the Stokenchurch to Woodstock, Woodstock to Rollright, Chapel on the Heath to Bourton, Crickley Hill to Campsfield and Buckingham to Warmington Trusts - essentially the main network of roads north of Oxford. In the early 19th century William Walford was trustee for the Burford to Banbury, Buckingham to Hanwell, Drayton to Edge Hill and Finford to Banbury Trusts - essentially all the main roads around Banbury.

·        An alphabetical list of Trustees taken from selected Acts covering the area - names A to D

·        An alphabetical list of Trustees taken from selected Acts covering the area - names E to L

·        An alphabetical list of Trustees taken from selected Acts covering the area - names M to R

·        An alphabetical list of Trustees taken from selected Acts covering the area - names S to Z

   Please contact me on if you have any similar information on turnpike roads in England during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. I am happy to provide more background on the material published here.


Created: 25/12/97
Last modified: Jan 15th 2009

Author - Alan Rosevear
Design by - Michael Rosevear