Carriers to London Inns

The information in these pages is derived from old almanacs that list the road transport services from provincial English towns into London. The original texts are held by the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Guildhall Library, London.  

- The following pages relating to Carriers and London Inns are currently available:

The Carrier's Cosmologie published by John Taylor in 1637. This lists the provincial town from which the carriers start and the London Inn at which they call. There are a few coach services listed.

The Intelligencer or Merchant's Assistant published by Meadows, Gilliver & Clarke in 1738. This was published after most of the main roads into London had been turnpiked and shows the trend towards the London terminus of services being at a number of large inns.

Broken down alphabetically, in parts A  C  H  N  T

The names of the carriers, coachmen, wagoners and packhorsemen referred to in the services listed in de Laune's "Present State of London" 1681 and 1691.

Analysis and summary of the information on the London Inns used by coach and carrier services; 1637 to 1728.

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Created: 25/12/97
Last modified: 14th Jan 2009

Author - Alan Rosevear
Design by - Michael Rosevear